NOSILIA, founded in 2001 in Athens, is an independent Non Governmental and Non Profit Organization whose main goal is to provide palliative care at home and healthcare services to our fellowmen belonging to susceptible population groups.
Our vision is to provide Primary Health Care and Home Care Services to all patients in need.
Our mission is to implement programs to help patients and their family members improve their quality of life. We advocate all the patients’ right for decent hospitalization.
We prioritize, but do not exclusively focus on, women, recognizing the unique needs arising from their frequent and disproportionate involvement in caregiving and patient roles.
Special Certification as a Non-Profit Social Care Service Provider – Υ.Υ.Κ.Α. Δ23/46574/3766 (ΦΕΚ 3611/Β/4-11-2016).